
Andrew C. Stokes, PhD is an Associate Professor in the Department of Global Health at the Boston University School of Public Health. He is also the founder and principal investigator of The Uncounted Lab, a research initiative that strives to inform the public and policymakers about unrecognized mortality impacts of pandemics, chronic diseases, and public health emergencies for which officially reported statistics are suspected to be incomplete or delayed.

Throughout his research, Dr. Stokes works to lead projects and contribute to collaborations that reveal the social and structural factors that influence health and disease across the life course, inform public health policies that center population health and health equity, and advance evidence-based reforms of public health systems. Some of his other research areas include the social epidemiology of chronic diseases across the life course and health effects of e-cigarettes and other emerging tobacco products. His methodological interests include spatial epidemiology, small area estimation, hierarchical models, and causal inference.

Dr. Stokes holds a secondary appointment in the Department of Sociology in the College of Arts and Sciences at Boston University and is an affiliate of several Boston University Centers, including the Center for Innovation in Social Science and the Center on Emerging Infectious Diseases. He is also a member of the Technical Advisory Group on COVID-19 Mortality Assessment at the World Health Organization and serves as a Deputy Editor at the Journal of Health and Social Behavior. At the Boston University School of Public Health, Dr. Stokes directs the Master of Science in Population Health Research program and teaches multiple courses including SPH GH 811: Applied Research Methods in Global Health, SPH PH 750: Essentials of Population Health Research and SPH OM 701: Data, Determinants, and Decision-Making for Health Equity.

He received his PhD in Demography and Sociology from the University of Pennsylvania. Prior to his doctoral studies, he was a post-bachelor fellow at the Harvard Initiative for Global Health in Cambridge, MA. He received his B.A. in Environmental Studies from Bates College in Lewiston, Maine. Learn more about Dr. Stokes by downloading his CV or viewing his Google Scholar profile.