Andrew C. Stokes, PhD is an Associate Professor in the Department of Global Health at the Boston University School of Public Health. As a demographer and population health researcher, his scholarship examines the social, economic, and health policy determinants of rising mortality inequities within the U.S. and the widening U.S. mortality disadvantage compared to peer nations. His research interests span from upstream factors such as tobacco regulatory policy and food environments to downstream factors such as chronic pain and disability. In his work, Dr. Stokes seeks to combine traditional approaches from demography and epidemiology with novel methods for causal inference, spatial-temporal modeling, and machine learning, toward the goal of generating timely evidence to shape health policy and improve public health. Learn more about Dr. Stokes.

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Research Lab

Dr. Stokes is the founder and principal investigator of The Uncounted Lab at the Boston University School of Public Health. The Uncounted Lab strives to inform the public and policymakers about unrecognized mortality impacts of pandemics, chronic diseases, and public health emergencies for which officially reported statistics are suspected to be incomplete or delayed. The lab seeks to document hidden death tolls using innovative methods and novel data sources and to advance health policies that center population health and health equity through peer-reviewed research, public data dashboards, and advocacy collaborations with investigative journalists and community-based organizations.

Learn more about the lab.


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